Sunday, June 30, 2013

Getting The Right Eyebrow Shapes

By Myrtle Cash

Getting the right eyebrow shapes can be quite a challenge. Some pluck too much hair and end up with spare, thin brows. Given the difference in facial features, it can be hard to determine how these growths can be contoured for the best effect. The following are some tips that can help you get this right.

One has to consider what kind of shape your face has. You can get a fuller brow, put an arch on them or just go for a straight line, depending on your features. The rule of thumb is to balance everything out. Straight brows for example will compliment a long face. You can use pair of tweezers to get unwanted growths.

When deciding on how your brow should be contoured, one needs to pay attention to thickness. Some faces are best with a fuller growth while others work best with thinner lines. Archs are another thing that has to be paid attention to. These can elongate the face, round it out or soften your features.

Another aspect that has to be decided on is where the brows should start and end. You can do so by drawing lines. A line that starts from the edge of your nose, continuous upward to the brow will clue you in on where the brow should begin. A line from the middle of your lips, touching the edge of your nose and going to the brow area indicates where the growth should end.

It will be easier to remember what the contour should be if you can have something to line the area with. A brow pencil should do the trick. You can apply this to your brows, and any hair growing outside of the indicated area, can then be plucked.

These hairs grow in different directions. This can make the shaping more difficult because it will not be easy to identify which one should be plucked. Hair growing downwards may just need to be trimmed instead. Assess the area carefully before making a move.

Tweezing can be a good option when you want to get unwanted hairs out. The key is to get a good pair of tweezers so that you will not have difficulty getting at the small, thin hairs. Washing our face with warm water will soften the area and make it easier to pluck the hairs. Plucking should be done where there is good lighting. Check yourself in the mirror periodically.

If you are not confident of your abilities to do this yourself, then be aware that there are a lot of services that offer shaping. Professionals are great for determining what how this part of your face can be contoured. Once they have done their job, all you will have to do is follow and maintain what they have done.

The right eyebrow shapes will emphasize your features, such as your eyes. It can soften up the jawline, make your face rounder, and so on. Shaping usually involves plucking or waxing those stray hairs. One must consider facial shape in order to identify the best kind of brow for their features.

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