Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What The Heck Is Cellulite?

By Evelyn West

If you are worried about unattractive cellulite that seems to be most prone for women in the butt, thigh and calves then you will find this article very informative. Learning what causes cellulite and how to get rid of cellulite are the first steps in eliminating it. Cellulite is not just for fat or overweight people. Thin women have cellulite as well.

What Exactly Is Cellulite?

We all know what cellulite looks is dimpled look on your thighs and other areas that is almost impossible to get rid of. But what the heck is cellulite.? The medical terms for cellulite is adiposis edematosa, dermopanniculosis deformans, status protrusus cutis, and gynoid lipodystrophy. A less confusing explanation for cellulite is It is just fat. The fat isn't responsible for the lumpy look though, it is pockets of fat that are deep under the skin that push against the underlying connective tissue. When the fat expands it takes up space under the skin, which places a lot of pressure on the connective tissue. The pressure from the fat against the tissue pushes everything against it, creating the dimpled look we all know and love. When there are numerous fat pockets, there are numerous bumps and it just keeps expanding further across the skin.

If you can imagine baking a tray of buns and as they begin to rise the overflow the top of the pan, and they keep expanding and getting larger. There is no where for those buns to go so they press up against each other and literally double in size. You are left with a nice tray of buns which oddly enough looks like the uneven texture of cellulite! This is the same result of the underlying fat pressing up against your causes the bumpy look we all hate.

When we are young, the connective tissue is more elastic, and remains smooth. Once you reach puberty, your hormones start to play a role in your skin making it less elastic and much stiffer. With age the outer layer of skin weakens making cellulite more pronounced. Regardless, you don't like cellulite and neither do I. Millions of dollars are spent each year trying to eliminate cellulite and it affects more than 85 percent of women whether you are overweight or thin.

Why Women Are Blessed With Cellulite-Why Men Aren't

Women's skin is generally thinner than a man's skin. The epidermis in a male is much thicker, so when that body fat is pressing against the skin, it doesn't change the connective tissue in the same way as it does with a woman.

A major reason why men don't get cellulite and women do is because of the way their fat cells are arrange. A woman's fat cells are in like tubes so once they fill up they keep going out the top, a man's fat cells are arrange in a criss-cross pattern so it is very nearly impossible for the fat cell to fill up and pop out the top. If it does it usually shows up as a big blob of fat.

Underwear that is constrictive will stop the blood flow in the lower areas of your body, causing the cellulite development to speed up. You don't need to resort to big baggy underwear, but loser fitting, or none at all (oh my!) will help get that pesky cellulite fat under control.

What Is The Cause Of Cellulite?

There are a few causes for this kind of body fat. Being a woman is the main one, most men do not suffer from this. But there are a few common theories. Hormonal factors- the development of cellulite can be caused by fluctuating hormones. Estrogen, insulin, non-adrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin all play key roles. Genetics- if your mom or grandmother had it, chances are you will if you have common characteristics as them such as slow metabolism, poor circulation, and how your body fat is distributed underneath the skin. Diet- a poor diet will stress the skin, causing it to fail. A clean healthy diet with lots of complex carbohydrates, and lean protein with good fats will improve the quality of your skin. Lymph glands- our lymphatics drainage system's job is to remove excess fluids and waste from our tissues. When damage occurs to the lymphatic system waste product accumulate in the tissues and cellulite is the result.

Prevent Cellulite

A healthy diet is the first step in preventing or getting rid of cellulite. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein and good fats will help you remove the toxins from your body. Toxins are stored in fat cells, which expands the fat cell causing the cellulite. Stop smoking, not just to get rid of cellulite, but for better general health. Start the day with a glass of hot water mixed with the juice of one lemon, this cleanses the liver, and continue to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Your diet accounts for 80% of how you look. Exercise and genetics play a small but important role as well.

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