Saturday, July 13, 2013

5 Simple But Powerful Solutions For Weight Loss

By Erin Newman

Every day, we see celebrities on tv who have lost a ton of weight almost overnight. We rush out and buy the product hoping to achieve the same results. Reality is there is no quick fix. Regardless of what product or system you decide on you are going to have to put in work to get results.

Believe You Can Do It

One of the major fundamentals for successful weight loss is belief in yourself.

Belief is as much of a necessity as changing your diet and developing an exercise routine. Without belief, you are setting yourself up for failure before you even start.

Take a moment to reflect on why you want to lose weight and then write it down. Once that is done, decide on the total amount of weight that you will lose and vow to hit that number. Hitting your goal is going to require you to be truly committed to it. No matter how hard it gets you have to be willing to stick to it.

Staying on track is going to require you to stay positive. Feed your mind daily with motivational quotes, affirmations and the success stories of other people who have successfully lost weight. Every once in a while you are going to have a bad day. When this happens, acknowledge it but get right back on track working toward your goal.

The longer you stay with the program the easier it will become. This is because you will start to feel better, have more energy and literally begin to watch your body transform before your eyes.

Drink Water

Water is needed to hydrate our bodies and keep our internal structure functioning at its best.

Sipping on water throughout the day is a great way to alleviate snacking because it helps to keep you full between meals.

When your body is being properly hydrated, it will alleviate the bloating feeling because it can release the water it has been storing.

Another benefit of water is if you have a glass before eating, it will help fill you up and help prevent you from overeating.

Make Exercise A Part Of Your Life

Every good weight loss plan should include regular exercise. It is possible to lose weight without exercise but in most cases the weight loss is only temporary.

Dont like exercise? Then do something fun that doesnt feel like exercise, like going outside and playing with the children or taking a bike ride. Find an exercise that works for you and get started.

Working out 5 days a week is ideal but if this seems like too much in the beginning start out with 3 days per week and build from there.

After you have been working out for a while and feel ready for something new, try adding in high calorie burning aerobic workouts.

Remember exercise is not only key for weight loss but it also helps to improve your overall health.

Have A Small Meal Every Few Hours

Rather than having 3 large meals daily, break that down into 5 or 6 smaller meals. This will help you stay full and eliminate the need to snack.

Although you are eating more often the goal is still to stay within your allotted amount of calories.

Learning to plan out your meals can be challenging in the beginning. Until you get the hang of prepare your normal 3 meals and cut them in half.

Get Enough Rest

When you are not getting enough sleep, it causes an increase in the amount of ghrelin in the body. When we are not allowing our bodies to get the rest needed to perform properly, it releases ghrelin into our system. Ghrelin is a hormone that regulates appetite. When our bodies are sleep deprived, this hormone increases and causes the desire to eat more.

It has been proven that the ideal amount of sleep for most individuals is seven to eight hours. Anything less than this can slow down your metabolism.

In order to sleep better, avoid drinking caffeine or engaging in exercise a few hours before bed time.

Although simple, these tips can have a positive impact on your weight loss.

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