Friday, September 13, 2013

Sensible Use Of Nutrition Data Can Help With Exercise Programmes

By Marion Peters

For anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle, whether as an athlete or simply to stay fit, nutrition data can be a very useful tool. When coupled with experience and common sense, information of this kind can be used to inform the choices made about diet. While pages of statistics, or numbers on labels, can be confusing, using some sense with regard to food choices is not hard.

The most sensible first step which anyone who wants to improve their diet can take is to begin to avoid processed food. Pre-packaged and pre-processed meals often have labels of ingredients which read like a recipe for a chemistry experiment, rather than something you would actually want to eat. If there are so many chemical names on a label that it is hard to tell what kind of food is actually in the product, it is probably a good idea to avoid it.

Anyone who wants to take a drastci first step towards improving their diet should cut sugar out of what they eat, especially if they eat a lot of processed or refined sugars, such as those found in fizzy drinks. While fat was once seen as the enemy of healthy bodies, with many companies manufacturing 'low fat' food products, many fats are in fact good for the body. The natural fats in olive oil, eggs, some dairy products and nuts can in actual fact help to keep people slim, as well as offering important nutrition.

Finding a healthy protein source is essential for a good diet, and white meat, such as chicken, and fish can play an important role in providing protein. Red meat contains more saturated, or unhealthy, fat than meats which are classified as white. It also contains more cholesterol, and has been identified as a cause of digestive illness and heart conditions.

Avoiding fried food is a good idea too, especially food fried in standard vegetable oil. Olive oil is a good substitute, as this contains many healthy nutrients. Dress dishes such as salads with olive oil, as this can also help you to burn fat.

In general terms, if food can be killed or grows in the ground, then it is wise to eat it. Eating as naturally as possible eliminates many of the problems which can arise from eating processed food. Analysing data on labels can only get you so far when it comes to choosing what is healthy to eat.

Nutrition data can be a useful complement to common sense when choosing food. Avoid foods which are processed and pre-packaged. Choose foods which are as close to their natural state as possible before preparation and cooking.

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