Monday, November 3, 2014

Organic Non GMO Supplements Are Great

By Dominique Martin

People should know that not all nutritional aids are pure. Many things sold as healthy actually contain synthetic and artificial ingredients and even genetically modified substances. People who find this disturbing can search out organic non GMO supplements for their nutritional needs. This assures them of getting truly natural products.

The term 'organic' means that no artificial ingredients are included in a product. It also prohibits the use of genetically modified ingredients. Independent organizations and the governments of many nations award the certification to manufacturers who meet stringent requirements. The certifying agencies conduct test on products in a random manner to ensure compliance.

Some mainstream food and supplement producers are trying to have GMOs declared safe, although studies have not confirmed this. The 'natural' claim already allows genetic modification. Consumers who want truly natural food and untainted nutritional products should ask elected representatives to keep organic standards truthful and reliable. Public awareness on this issue is not high, and misleading advertising gives false assurances of safety.

Companies that do not include GMOs in their products will usually display this information on their label. A lack of this assurance will not necessarily mean that altered ingredients are used, but it should be a sign that further questions should be asked before purchasing such products. Customer service reps will be able to answer this question; look for toll-free telephone numbers on product labels. Consumers should not assume all products are safe.

Supplements are nutritional substances which can help people achieve a balanced diet. The term means vitamins to many people, but it also covers minerals, amino acids, herbs, fatty acids, fiber, and hormonal products. A supplement is nutritional rather than medicinal, although many of them do have therapeutic value. They are in a different category than pharmaceutical drugs.

Many formulas do contain genetically modified ingredients, and many consumers are not bothered by this. Those who are can choose to buy only organic products or ones with a GMO-free label. There are other benefits to organic products, as well. They contain no artificial ingredients like colors or preservatives, are generally of very high quality, and come from companies dedicated to natural healing and health.

Quality matters. Some formulas have been found to contain only traces of the nutrients they promise to deliver. Others use substances which may be poorly utilized by the system, making them a waste of money if not actually harmful. Some forms of iron, for example, may do little for anemia and can even accumulate to toxic levels in the body. Other, more reputable companies have pioneered research in health and have a long record of safety and integrity.

Choosing nutritional products may seem confusing, but there are ways to get safe, pure products. Look for reviews posted after independent evaluation or by satisfied customers. Don't confuse these with 'testimonials' posted on websites that market the products, which are really advertisements.

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