Monday, March 31, 2014

Things To Look For In Evaluating Green Coffee Supplements

By Paul Hatmaker

If you are a big lover of coffee, you will sure be glad to know that there is a way that you can lose weight while getting some caffeine fix. Since the coffee you drink is made from roasted coffee beans, what you need to be acquainted with is the variant that has not been roasted - introducing green coffee bean extract. After being featured in the show of the famous Dr. Oz, it instantly became a big sensation.

So what makes green coffee bean extract so special compared with its regular counterpart? The thing that makes it special is its high amount of the substance called chlorogenic acid. Regular coffee beans have little to no chlorogenic acid particularly because of the roasting process it undergoes. Green coffee beans are extracted in its raw form and several tests show that it is very capable of weight reduction.

One thing that is quite noticeable in weight-loss supplements being sold these days is that quite a lot are actually made from green coffee bean extract. Since it contains chlorogenic acid, the bloodstream is able to delay the absorption of glucose and consequently cause absorption of fat to be reduced. When looking for a supplement, make sure it contains either GCA (green coffee antioxidant) or Svetol.

Another important thing is that the supplement should contain a minimum of 45% chlorogenic acid. Anything below 45% may not be very effective for weight loss. You should also take note of the dosage, which can be anywhere from 200mg to 800mg per serving. Based on the study conducted by the Dr. Oz research team, the recommended was 400mg and taken 3 times a day.

Before making a purchasing decision with green coffee extract supplements, the ingredients list should be adequately reviewed. Be doubtful of those that do not provide an ingredients list. You should not find any type of artificial stuff or fillers too. If by any chance you notice any ingredient that sound too complex, you can always drop an email or call the manufacturer for clarifications.

To be on the safe side, it would be ideal to buy products that come from a well-known manufacturer. A good indicator would be the number of years they have been in the business and the feedback their products get. Of course you can always jot down several brands and then make an evaluation of each one based on factors such as features, price, and consumer feedback.

When it comes to the side effects, it would be safe to assume that taking green coffee bean extract as intended would not yield any negative side effects. However, keep in mind that there is still some amount of caffeine in it and it is still possible to suffer some side effects if misused. Weight-loss supplements like this are generally not recommended for pregnant women and those with serious health problems.

If you really want to achieve the best results when using green coffee bean extract supplements, you should still consider adapting a healthy lifestyle, particularly a balanced diet and sufficient exercise. While you still might get some results by using the supplement alone, it won't be nearly as good if you combine it with healthy eating and burning of calories through exercise.

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