Shoulder and arm pain typically originates in the neck. This is commonly known as referred pain and it is the result of disc or subluxation issues that press directly on the nerve that controls the related limb
Because of this, stubborn arm or shoulder pain is often best treated by an upper cervical chiropractor Charlotte. Techniques such as the activator method and the state-of-the-art atlas orthogonal technique can fix the issue in the neck which is causing the pain, allowing the patient to stop taking painkilling drugs that only mask symptoms, cloud the mind and risk addiction. These techniques are often more effective than traditional medicine and allow for a faster recovery with less downtime.
An experienced chiropractor can also help you with postural and movement problems as well as problems pertaining to your sleeping position that could be the source of your discomfort - this will limit the likelihood of your having your injury recur.
While it is not always possible to resolve severe disc issues, this type of care can slow down the process of degeneration and may alleviate symptoms. This all means that any person experiencing arm or shoulder pain should speak with an experienced and reputable chiropractor.
Chiropractors may look for local issues at the shoulder joints and can recommend exercises and activities that alleviate these issues. They can also assist in delaying or preventing the need for surgery - as surgical procedures often entail lengthy recovery periods and may have more drawbacks than overall benefits.
Some of the most modern and innovative chiropractic therapies are precisely calculated and performed with instruments as opposed to the hands-on approach that involves cracking, kneading and pulling. These methods can be painless and patients may not be able to feel them at all. If you currently suffer from pain in your shoulder or arm, then talking with a trusted Charlotte chiropractor will help you learn more about how this professional can bolster your health and alleviate your symptoms.
Because of this, stubborn arm or shoulder pain is often best treated by an upper cervical chiropractor Charlotte. Techniques such as the activator method and the state-of-the-art atlas orthogonal technique can fix the issue in the neck which is causing the pain, allowing the patient to stop taking painkilling drugs that only mask symptoms, cloud the mind and risk addiction. These techniques are often more effective than traditional medicine and allow for a faster recovery with less downtime.
An experienced chiropractor can also help you with postural and movement problems as well as problems pertaining to your sleeping position that could be the source of your discomfort - this will limit the likelihood of your having your injury recur.
While it is not always possible to resolve severe disc issues, this type of care can slow down the process of degeneration and may alleviate symptoms. This all means that any person experiencing arm or shoulder pain should speak with an experienced and reputable chiropractor.
Chiropractors may look for local issues at the shoulder joints and can recommend exercises and activities that alleviate these issues. They can also assist in delaying or preventing the need for surgery - as surgical procedures often entail lengthy recovery periods and may have more drawbacks than overall benefits.
Some of the most modern and innovative chiropractic therapies are precisely calculated and performed with instruments as opposed to the hands-on approach that involves cracking, kneading and pulling. These methods can be painless and patients may not be able to feel them at all. If you currently suffer from pain in your shoulder or arm, then talking with a trusted Charlotte chiropractor will help you learn more about how this professional can bolster your health and alleviate your symptoms.
About the Author:
To get therapy from an upper cervical chiropractor Charlotte patients should refer to this health and wellness center. Make an immediate appointment online at
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